January 7, 2009

Adventures of Jack Malick

Jack Malick is the name that will be given to a local techie in my area that loves to raise mayhem just so he can get a cheap laugh. Jack has himself a Yaesu VX-5R, thing is...he doesn't have a ham operator's license so he shouldn't jump on a local repeater and start chatting it up with the others. Instead his expensive toy is currently being used to play very very annoying music to the Wal-Mart managers in the next town over. Yes, he discovered the frequency they operate on and has been messing with them every single time he is within a few blocks of that store. I have to admit I did get a laugh after he played Banana Phone by Raffi for them. Apparently that song is "excruciating" when piped directly into your ear courtesy of an ear bud.

I am waiting for the day he contacts me to tell me he has the frequency of the drive thru headsets for my old job at McDonald's. Now that will be one time I believe I will join Jack Malick in his mischievous fun.

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