January 11, 2009

Adventures of Jack Malick, Part 2

So my buddy, Jack, has that radio I told you about. Well turns out he figured out how to overide the Taco Bell drive-thru finally but the only downside...he doesn't know the frequency to listen in to the customer's so any pranks would only be half as hilarious. Some digging on the net showed us that the possible listen in frequency for Taco Bell are out of his radio's receiving capabilities. Seems like he should have just waited and saved up some money to by the next model, the Yaesu VX-7R which can receive a ton more frequencies than the VX-5R he bought.

Jack was slightly disheartened by this turn of events, but in usual Malick fashion...he found something else to cheer himself up with. This time a blatant Federal offense in the fact he's been whispering "tacos" at the local police department randomly for the last hour or so. For those who haven't caught on, it is extremely extremely illegal to broadcast on a police frequency or any other emergency frequency listed. I feel sorry for the fire department since "they seem really bored, and fires only happen here and there in this area so why not?"

I doubt Jackie-boy is ever going to change. He's found something he is good at, causing mayhem and mischief. Granted it isn't the best thing in the world to do....according to society that is...but when have I ever decided that society has been right about every single little part of life? Have fun Jack and I will see you around some time.

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