June 21, 2010

E3, Three Days of Vodka Jell-O Shots

Well, not necessarily unless you stayed at the Toy Story 3 premier all three days. Seriously, go search on Kotaku for proof they served up Jell-O shots. Lucky bastard, if you ask me. I'd love to get handed the task of reporting on a kid movie if the premiers all served alcoholic beverages.

Anyway, E3 was interesting this year, but really not much more than that. Microsoft's press conference was pretty much crap if you want an honest opinion, the only saving graces were the few core game announcements and the Xbox 360 Slim announcement at the end.

Only caught a bit of Nintendo's conference but I did enjoy what I saw, the new 3DS is one I may pick up to replace my original DS since I never picked up the Lite or DSi. The announcement of a new Kid Icarus game had me raise my eyebrows a bit. Been a long time since the original after all.

Sony's Kevin Buttler wins E3. No question about it in my mind. The speech he showed up and gave was epic. He single handily has redeemed Sony for a few things in my book and hopefully he will continue to do so in the years to come. Game on, Kevin.

Overall E3 didn't seem as grand as it normally does, but I suppose that is just the hard times hitting all of us. Hopefully PAX brings something worthwhile to the field, I'm sure my buddy PsychoVandal will keep me updated when he goes.

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