December 25, 2007

Internet Radio

I know this is not something that is really all. I have always found internet radio to be interesting and I like the fact that nearly anyone is capable of at least running a small station. I used to run a station back before my senior year in high school. It was fun and only five or six of my friends listened to it. I have actually decided I may get back into that, once I do I will think about throwing up a link to my station so you can check the status, the broadcast won't be set on a definite schedule. I have far too much going on in my real life to be able to put aside a set time each day to broadcast. I wish I could do that though.

So this may definitely be the revival of Shadow Underground internet radio station.

Shadow Ryo Nightfall

December 6, 2007


I carry on with the occasional posting on this blog because I choose to. I am doing my best to support myself while I attend college and work a relatively dead end job at a McDonald's. I want to play with computers more than I do and I wish to expand my current collection. I offer a free service of downgrading PSP's as stated in my earlier post. I need to figure out a way to make some money on the side so I offer tech support as well. Along with that I put up the Google Adsense in the top right corner along with the Google search. I want to ask those who visit this site to occasionally do a search or click one of the ads to help me out a bit. If there are any readers yet that is :P I'm not exactly that well known.

Shadow Ryo Nightfall

December 5, 2007

PSP Downgrade/Unbricking Service

I now officially run a PSP downgrade/unbricking service. So far I have downgraded: my brother's, mine, a guy from Springfield, and a few other of my local friends. I charge nothing for this service and instead I do a donation based approach, you can donate money or unwanted hardware to me for the service. If you want more information about where to get your PSP downgraded or unbricked, you should check out this thread in the Noobz forums to find someone close to you.
Shadow Ryo Nightfall