July 24, 2012

Minecraft Rant - Fuck Off Creeper

So it passes that my testbed hardcore world is deleted, not by an epic battle or a stupid mistake I can laugh at. No, by a fucking Creeper blowing up next to me while cave exploring. There goes a few hours of perfecting an enclosed base design complete with lava mob drop grinder.

Nothing I can do now but rebuild my awesome base on my other hardcore world. This time, I plan to gear up before venturing out of my safe little base. Lessons learned.

July 13, 2012

Dawnguard Impressions

So after waiting an extra week due to plans getting disrupted, Dawnguard is loaded up on my console. Fucking love the shit out of the Vampire Lord power. The fact they give us poison claws and a Force Grip-esque power is really just icing on the cake.